For newcomers

Buddy project

If you take part in CoNnect Brussel, we will match you up based on your needs and interests with a buddy to do fun things together. This way, you will discover the city together with someone who knows Brussels well and who will provide you with support.

Two meetings a month

You will see each other at least twice a month over six months. 

You are completely free to choose what you will do together

  • meet new people
  • find out more about the leisure time activities available in your neighbourhood
  • get involved as a volunteer in a Brussels organization
  • practice your Dutch
  • go for walks or bike rides in the city
  • together, find your way to various services available
  • exchange tips about Brussels

It is important for it to be a nice experience for each of you. You will get together during your free time. 

For newcomers who are participating in an integration trajectory  

  • You live in Brussels.
  • You are over 18.
  • You are currently taking part in an integration trajectory with bon - Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering (Flemish Agency for Integration).

Discover Brussels together with your buddy 

  • You will have a chance to discover Brussels together with your buddy, who offers you support, listens to you and with whom you will do fun things.
  • You can take part in group activities and excursions free of charge. Non-binding. The more participants, the better.
  • You will receive a welcome package with useful information.
  • You can always contact our project staff for information or assistance.


After you have registered, you will be contacted by one of the project staff members. They will provide you with the information you need and listen to what you are interested in.