Theme of the project call
With the participation trajectory City Inspiration (Stadspiratie), the VGC brought together as many Brussels citizens as possible in 2020 to help shape the strategic multi-annual plan of the VGC. Stadspiratie yielded no less than 1.130 ideas for the city. Ideas about 'Sustainable and liveable city' and 'Participating and creating together' were most popular.
With Bruss-it, the VGC supports projects of Brussels city-makers with enthusiasm. The new call for projects of Bruss-it builds on the ideas of Stadspiratie and has as theme Working together for a sustainable and liveable city.
You can develop a project based on one or more ideas from Stadspiratie. Click here to see some examples from Stadspiratie.
Do you have another idea that you would like to develop into a project? That is possible too, as long as it fits in with the theme of the call.
A project must fit in at least one of these clusters:
- SHARE-IT: accessible projects for sharing (or lending?), borrowing or co-using private and semi-public space and material. For example, actively opening up one's own gardens or (outdoor) spaces, stimulating or organising shared use of materials.
- REUSE-IT: low-threshold projects in which people work together to recover materials or give objects a second life or a new purpose. For example, recovering rainwater to maintain a community garden, reusing food surpluses, setting up recovery and repair workshops.
- GREEN-IT: accessible projects by local residents or associations that together green the immediate living environment. For example, gardening together, planting a line of green.
- ACTIVATE-IT: projects that (re)discover and activate public spaces such as streets, squares, water and green areas. For example, showing people the way to green spaces and water in the city. Or play streets, temporary infill projects that show what you can do with public space, façade benches and talking benches.
The call is addressed to individuals, associations, organisations, groups of citizens and citizen collectives. It is about initiatives that grow from the bottom up and that encourage exchange and social interaction.
Click here for the complete 2023 project call.
Evaluation of your project application
The jury will judge your project application on the basis of these criteria:
- The extent to which your project fits in with the theme and with at least one of the clusters of the call for projects (weighting 30%);
- The participative approach, the extent to which your target group participates in the development of your project (co-ownership) and the extent to which your partnerships reflect the population of Brussels (weighting 20%);
- The extent to which your initiative takes into account Brussels residents in a vulnerable situation (weighting 20%);
- The sustainability of your project: the extent to which your project has a lasting impact or continues beyond the project period, or the attention you pay to social sustainability (weighting 15%);
- The realistic and complete project proposal (for example: step-by-step plan, description of expected results, timing and budget) (weighting 15%).
Per project, the VGC grants up to 15.000 euro. Small-scale initiatives for a lower subsidy amount are also eligible.
Please indicate in which category you submit your project:
- Category 1: projects up to 5.000 euro
- Category 2: projects up to 15.000 euro
A project call in two phases
The call has two phases:
- Phase 1: you submit a project idea
- Phase 2: you submit a project application
Do you have questions?
Contact the cel Stedelijk Beleid:
- Call 02 563 03 27.
- E-mail:
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